Welcome to Lifestyle, The Community Source Book, a magazine designed to acquaint newcomers with towns and services.
While we have done several editions covering Chicago’s north and northwest suburbs, this is our first look at the vibrant suburbs west of Chicago. It is an area with something for everyone, including, as it does, everything from bedroom communities to some of the largest and most active business parks anywhere.
At the heart of our presentation are profiles of 45 villages and cities, written by people who live in them and highlighting what they find most attractive about them. We consider this personalized insight one of our greatest strengths, offering, as it does, a visceral layer aimed at their potential neighbors.
In addition to these profiles, we offer extensive tables summarizing key facts about the communities: phone numbers for community services; demographics; and detailed information on schools, transportation and other aspects to help those looking to settle in the area choose the place best for them.
While much of this is especially useful to those of you who are new to the area and are exploring its many options, we also provide information for longer-term residents about great things to do, and places to shop and do business with right in their neighborhood.
This delightfully diverse set of communities can satisfy your every whim. We welcome your comments on this issue and your suggestions for ways we can make future issues still better. We also welcome your thoughts on your town (say, 200 words) and your favorite pictures that characterize your community: profiles we can consider printing as we give future neighborly advice.
And finally, we urge you to support our fine advertisers who make this publication possible.
Candice Kuhnen